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The Effectiveness of Orange Pilling has Diminished

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The era of “orange pilling” in the world of Bitcoin may be coming to an end. For those unfamiliar with the term, “orange pilling” refers to the act of educating and convincing people about the benefits of Bitcoin in hopes of getting them to adopt the cryptocurrency. However, as the Bitcoin community has put in significant effort to spread awareness and educate the masses, the results have been less than stellar.

Despite Bitcoin making regular appearances in mainstream media headlines and generating more search traffic than even terms like “Kardashian,” the number of daily Bitcoin users remains relatively low. The community has organized conferences, written books, recorded podcasts, and created blogs to preach the value of Bitcoin, but the efforts seem to have hit a plateau.

The key takeaway from this realization is that showing people the benefits of Bitcoin through practical experiences may be more effective than simply telling them about it. Just like how remote work technology revolutionized the way we work, Bitcoin needs to be integrated into existing platforms and services to truly showcase its utility.

By targeting affluent individuals in developed countries and improving their user experiences with Bitcoin, the community may be able to drive mainstream adoption more effectively. By inserting Bitcoin into popular apps and disintermediating existing services, the goal is to make the user experience with Bitcoin seamless and superior to traditional methods.

Ultimately, the message is clear: utility trumps education when it comes to driving Bitcoin adoption. By focusing on improving people’s lives through practical applications of Bitcoin, the community may be able to see a significant increase in adoption rates. The era of “orange pilling” may be over, but a new era of practical application and integration may be on the horizon for Bitcoin.

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