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Former Neighbors Become Competitors in the High-Stakes World of Artificial Intelligence Technology

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Title: Childhood Friends Turn Tech Titans: The Unusual Journey of Mustafa Suleyman and Demis Hassabis

In a tale that seems straight out of a Hollywood movie, childhood friends Mustafa Suleyman and Demis Hassabis have risen to become two of the most powerful executives in the tech industry’s race to build artificial intelligence. Their journey from London’s rough neighborhoods to the executive suites of Big Tech is a story of friendship, rivalry, and ambition.

Mustafa Suleyman, the son of a Syrian immigrant taxi driver and a nurse with the National Health Service, met Demis Hassabis, a chess prodigy and video game designer, in a leafy neighborhood in North London. Despite their different backgrounds, the two shared a passion for technology and a belief in the power of artificial intelligence to change the world.

In 2010, they co-founded DeepMind, a groundbreaking A.I. research lab with a mission to build artificial general intelligence. However, their paths diverged after a clash at DeepMind, leading to Mr. Suleyman founding another A.I. start-up before being hired by Microsoft to lead their A.I. consumer products division.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hassabis became the CEO of Google DeepMind, leading the tech giant’s A.I. research efforts. The two friends turned rivals are now at the forefront of the A.I. race, with Microsoft and Google competing to control the next dominant computing platform.

Despite their friendly rivalry, Dr. Hassabis and Mr. Suleyman have taken different paths in their approach to A.I. While Dr. Hassabis focuses on Google’s A.I. technology, Mr. Suleyman works to put Microsoft’s A.I. in the hands of everyday people.

Their journey from childhood friends to tech titans is a testament to their shared vision for the future of technology and the impact they hope to make on society. As they continue to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence, the world watches in awe at the remarkable story of Mustafa Suleyman and Demis Hassabis.

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