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Federal Office Candidates Can Solicit Unlimited Funds for Ballot Measures

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The Federal Election Commission quietly issued an advisory opinion last week that could have a major impact on the upcoming presidential election. The opinion allows candidates to raise unlimited money for issue-advocacy groups working on ballot measures in elections where those candidates are on the ballot.

This decision, in response to a request from a Nevada-based abortion rights group, has the potential to significantly alter the fundraising landscape for candidates aligned with these groups. With a presidential election just six months away, all eyes will be on how this ruling will affect the race between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump.

The opinion applies to all federal candidates, but the focus will undoubtedly be on the presidential race. If Mr. Biden can solicit money for abortion-rights ballot measures, it could give his campaign an even greater fundraising advantage over Mr. Trump.

The impact of this decision could be felt most in battleground states like Nevada and Arizona, where abortion rights groups are actively working to put referendums on the ballot. In states like Florida, where similar measures are being considered, the ruling could sway the outcome of the election.

Experts are calling this decision a significant change from previous campaign finance laws and predict it will have a major impact on how campaigns are run. Both Democrats and Republicans are expected to take advantage of this ruling to raise money for outside groups pushing ballot measures.

As the election season heats up, the implications of this ruling will become clearer. With both parties now able to raise unlimited funds for issue-advocacy groups, the race for the White House is sure to be even more intense.

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