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AOC criticized for suggesting that accusations of antisemitism are unfairly used against people of color

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., sparked controversy during an online discussion she hosted on Monday, where she addressed the issue of antisemitism and its impact on people of color. The “Squad” member admitted that the rise in antisemitism and attacks against Jews following Hamas’ assault on southern Israel has undermined the progressive movement.

During the livestream titled “Antisemitism and the Fight for Democracy,” Ocasio-Cortez emphasized that criticism of the Israeli government and Zionism is not inherently antisemitic, but she also acknowledged the real harm caused by antisemitism and violence against Jews. She stressed the importance of standing against bigotry and discrimination in all forms.

However, Ocasio-Cortez also pointed out that false accusations of antisemitism are sometimes used to divide people of color and women of color by bad-faith political actors. This statement drew criticism from individuals representing both sides of the political spectrum, who accused her of downplaying the seriousness of antisemitism.

Former Democrat New York State Assembly member Dov Hikind, who joined the GOP last year, called Ocasio-Cortez one of the most dangerous people, accusing her of contributing to hate and making things more dangerous. The Republican Jewish Coalition also condemned her remarks, urging her to focus on fighting bigotry within her own ranks.

Despite the backlash, Ocasio-Cortez continued the discussion with speakers advocating against antisemitism and bigotry. One speaker, Stacy Burdett, warned against perpetuating dangerous antisemitic stereotypes when discussing Israeli policies, emphasizing the importance of empathy and inclusion for all individuals.

While Ocasio-Cortez highlighted the need to avoid stereotypes, she herself made a controversial remark about the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) functioning as a political slush fund for Republican billionaires. This statement further fueled the debate surrounding antisemitism and the influence of political organizations.

The congresswoman’s comments have reignited the conversation about antisemitism, political divisions, and the importance of addressing bigotry in all its forms. As the issue continues to be a point of contention, Ocasio-Cortez’s stance on the matter remains a topic of debate and scrutiny.

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