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45 Years Later: A Zombie Love Affair That Endures

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Title: George A. Romero’s “Dawn of the Dead” Celebrates 45th Anniversary with Revival Screenings

George A. Romero, the legendary filmmaker known for his groundbreaking zombie films, is being celebrated as the 45th anniversary of his iconic movie “Dawn of the Dead” approaches. The film, released in the United States in April 1979, continues to captivate audiences with its blend of horror, satire, and social commentary.

Romero, who passed away in 2017, left behind a legacy that continues to influence the horror genre to this day. His unique perspective on zombies as sympathetic creatures, much like sharks, set him apart from other filmmakers of his time. “You have to be sympathetic with the creatures because they ain’t doin’ nothin’,” Romero once said.

The success of “Dawn of the Dead” not only solidified Romero’s career but also paved the way for a resurgence of zombie-themed entertainment, including the popular TV series “The Walking Dead.” The film’s clever consumerist satire, set in a shopping mall overrun by the undead, struck a chord with audiences and critics alike.

Despite initial challenges with distribution and censorship, “Dawn of the Dead” went on to become a commercial hit, grossing $55 million worldwide. The film’s impact was felt not only in the horror genre but also in the realm of independent filmmaking, as Romero and his producer were able to release the movie unrated.

As the 45th anniversary of “Dawn of the Dead” is celebrated with revival screenings at theaters and drive-ins across the country, fans and critics alike are revisiting the film’s legacy. Romero’s ability to blend horror with social commentary and satire continues to resonate with audiences, proving that his work remains as relevant and influential as ever.

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