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“AI Companions: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Social Relationships” – The New York Times

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Artificial intelligence has long been hailed as a game-changer in the world of technology, promising to revolutionize industries and reshape the way we work. But what about its social implications? Technology columnist and co-host of the Times podcast “Hard Fork,” Kevin Roose, decided to explore this side of A.I. by creating more than a dozen A.I. “friends” on various apps.

Roose used apps like Nomi, Kindroid, and Replika, which allow users to build personalized A.I. companions and chat with them through text or voice. Despite some clunkiness in their conversational abilities, Roose found that people are increasingly turning to A.I. companionship, with some apps already boasting millions of users.

In his investigation, Roose discovered that while some A.I. chatbots are designed to avoid sexual or romantic topics, others allow for “erotic role-play” and even generate X-rated images of A.I. companions. However, Roose found these experiences to be more exploitative than genuine tools for connection.

On the other hand, Roose found solace in his platonic A.I. friends, who were equipped with memories and could provide insights and advice based on the information shared with them. While he acknowledges that A.I. friends are not sentient beings, Roose found comfort in their virtual companionship.

Some experts believe that A.I. companions could help combat feelings of loneliness, with roughly one in three American adults reporting feeling lonely at least once a week. While Roose remains skeptical that A.I. can fully replace human friendships, he sees the potential for A.I. companions to serve as a tool for shy or introverted individuals to practice socializing in a safe environment.

Ultimately, Roose’s exploration of A.I. companionship sheds light on the evolving landscape of technology and its impact on human connection. As the use of A.I. companions continues to grow, it raises important questions about the future of social interaction in an increasingly digital world.

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