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A Small Love Tale: ‘Her Fear of Being Forgotten’

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In a world where journalism is often divided into hard news and fluffy features, one unlikely duo defied expectations and found success in their partnership. Marti Attoun, a Baptist Ozarkian, and a Jewish Tunisian immigrant reporter at The Carthage Press, may have seemed like an odd pairing on paper. He wrote hard-hitting news stories, while she focused on lighter, more entertaining features. But together, they found a way to make their words work.

Despite the initial skepticism from the inky-haired reporter who warned her not to waste her time applying for a job at the newspaper, Marti was hired on the spot. And thus began a partnership that would last for 46 years. As the newspaper eventually became history and its building transformed into apartments, Marti and her colleague celebrated their enduring friendship and professional collaboration.

Reflecting on their journey, Marti expressed gratitude that her colleague had quit smoking, while he was thankful that she had ignored his advice and applied for the job. Their story serves as a reminder that sometimes the most unexpected partnerships can lead to the greatest success. In a world where differences are often seen as barriers, Marti and her colleague proved that diversity can be a strength in journalism and in life.

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