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Elite defector reveals Kim Jong Un’s desire for Trump’s return, BBC reports

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The highest-profile defector from North Korea since 2016, Ri Il Kyu, has revealed shocking insights into the mindset of Kim Jong Un, stating that the North Korean leader would go to extreme lengths to ensure his survival, even if it means killing all 25 million of his own people.

In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Ri Il Kyu, who escaped North Korea with his family to South Korea last November, shared his experiences of meeting Kim Jong Un on seven separate occasions. Despite initially being nervous, Ri found Kim Jong Un to be “smiling and in a good mood” during their meetings.

However, Ri believes that Kim Jong Un’s desire for survival has turned him into a “monstrous being,” willing to do anything to maintain his grip on power. He also revealed that North Korea still sees Donald Trump as someone they can negotiate with over their nuclear weapons program, despite talks breaking down in 2019.

Ri’s defection was a risky move, as elites like him face either life in a political prison camp or execution by firing squad if caught defecting. He described the decision as a “life or death gamble,” driven by years of corruption, lack of freedom, and hardship in North Korea.

The former diplomat also shed light on North Korea’s recent ties with Russia, stating that the relationship is temporary and that Kim Jong Un understands the importance of normalizing relations with the United States for the country’s survival.

Despite the challenges he faced, Ri remains hopeful for small changes in North Korea, such as the ability for citizens to choose their jobs, have enough food to eat, and share their opinions freely among friends. He hopes that his defection will inspire others to push for change from within the country.

As Ri settles into his new life in South Korea, he reflects on the debt he feels towards his family for the risky decision they made to defect. His story provides a rare glimpse into the inner workings of one of the world’s most secretive and repressive states, highlighting the lengths some are willing to go to in search of freedom and a better life.

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