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6 Benefits of Owning Bitcoin During Retirement

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The idea of investing in or owning bitcoin during retirement may seem unconventional to some, but there are compelling reasons to consider it. Unchained, the official US Collaborative Custody partner of Bitcoin Magazine, highlights six reasons why owning bitcoin in retirement could be beneficial.

1. **Broaden Asset Allocation**: Bitcoin represents a new asset class that can help diversify your investment portfolio and distribute risk more effectively.

2. **Hedge Against Inflation**: With a fixed supply and decentralized nature, bitcoin offers protection against inflation and currency debasement, preserving your purchasing power.

3. **Asymmetric Returns**: Bitcoin’s limited supply and growing demand make it a potential source of asymmetric returns, especially when held for the long term.

4. **Protection from Bond Risks**: Given the current low yields on bonds and the potential for interest rate increases, owning bitcoin can offset some of the risks associated with long-term bonds.

5. **Solution for Healthcare Costs**: Bitcoin’s potential for long-term price appreciation can serve as a hedge against rising healthcare expenses, especially in the realm of long-term care insurance.

6. **Individual Sovereignty**: Bitcoin provides a level of ownership and control that is unmatched by traditional assets, offering increased individual sovereignty and protection from centralized authorities.

By incorporating bitcoin into your retirement portfolio, you can benefit from its unique properties and potential for long-term growth. Unchained offers financial services products to help you navigate the world of bitcoin ownership in retirement.

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