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Xi Jinping’s Strategy for Complete Domination: A Network of Surveillance

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Title: China’s Push for Increased Surveillance and Control in Daily Life

In a sprawling Beijing apartment complex, a police station wall covered in sheets of paper caught the attention of many. Each sheet detailed information on every building and unit in the complex, color-coded to indicate trustworthiness or potential risks. This innovative policing method was praised as a model of governance by local authorities.

The Chinese Communist Party, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, has been pushing for more visible and invasive surveillance measures to prevent any potential threats. This includes officers patrolling apartment buildings, recruiting retirees as extra eyes and ears, and requiring employers to appoint safety consultants who report to the police regularly.

The goal is to embed the party deeply into daily life, ensuring no challenges or dissent can arise. This effort, branded as the “Fengqiao experience for a new era,” aims to suppress any challenges to the party’s legitimacy and maintain control over the population.

Xi Jinping’s interest in the Fengqiao experience dates back to his time as party secretary of Zhejiang Province, where he sought solutions to rising crime rates. The concept of social control and stability maintenance has been a focus of the party, especially under Xi’s leadership.

The increased surveillance and control measures implemented during the coronavirus pandemic have now become a permanent part of daily life in China. The government’s intrusiveness has accelerated, with a focus on deploying the masses to bolster the party’s authority and prevent any challenges.

While some residents appreciate the increased patrols and safety measures, others have experienced the darker side of this approach. Intimidation tactics, forced relocations, and restrictions on daily activities have been reported, highlighting the potential abuses of power in the name of control.

The success of this surveillance apparatus relies on the zeal of its enforcers, who are often incentivized through financial rewards, patriotism appeals, and threats to their jobs. However, the reliance on a large number of paid workers could also be a weakness, especially as budget constraints and overwork complaints arise.

As China tightens its grip on surveillance and control, the potential impact on economic dynamism and social stability remains a concern. The balance between security measures and individual freedoms is a delicate one, and the long-term implications of this increased control strategy are yet to be fully realized.

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