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Why are my parents approaching college expenses differently for my sibling?

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Title: Sibling Rivalry Over College Choices Raises Financial Concerns

A recent decision by a younger sister to attend an expensive private college has sparked feelings of frustration and confusion in a family where financial considerations have always played a significant role in college choices. The daughter, who is now facing the burden of student loans from her own college experience, is questioning why her parents are allowing her sister to attend a pricey school when more affordable options were available.

The daughter, who chose her college based on price and had to take out loans to cover the costs, is now grappling with the disparity in treatment between her and her sister. Despite the fact that their parents’ financial situation has not changed, the daughter is left wondering why her sister is not being asked to take on the same financial responsibilities that she and her brother had to bear.

In seeking advice on whether to raise this issue with her parents, the daughter is reminded that it is common for siblings to notice and sometimes resent differences in treatment by their parents. The columnist suggests that the parents may be feeling a sense of relief now that the burden of educating three children is starting to lift, which could explain their approach to helping out the younger sister.

Ultimately, the daughter is encouraged to consider what she wants to achieve by raising this issue with her parents. While it may be enough to seek acknowledgment of the unequal treatment, she could also explore the possibility of asking for help repaying her loans. The columnist emphasizes the importance of framing the conversation in the context of her parents’ love and kindness.

The story highlights the complexities of family dynamics and financial considerations when it comes to college choices, shedding light on the challenges and emotions that can arise in such situations.

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