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What is the fascination with Saturn’s Return? Astrology provides some insight.

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Alejandra Herrera, a Taurus from East Los Angeles, is about to hit a milestone dreaded by many in their late 20s: her 30th birthday. However, instead of feeling anxious about entering a new decade of life, she sees it as a time for a fresh start and personal growth.

After experiencing a turbulent period marked by depression and exhaustion from her job as an assistant manager at a vegan Mexican restaurant, Ms. Herrera recently quit her job and is now looking forward to focusing on herself in her 30s.

Ms. Herrera attributes her newfound sense of rebirth to her upcoming Saturn return, a celestial phenomenon that occurs when the planet Saturn returns to the same position in the sky as it was at the time of one’s birth. According to astrology app Co-Star, the first instance of a Saturn return typically happens between one’s late 20s to early 30s, signaling a time of great change and self-reflection.

Many others, like Felix Alberto Nunez of San Pedro, Calif., are also experiencing their Saturn return and using it as a catalyst for personal and artistic growth. Mr. Nunez, a multimedia company founder, feels inspired to lock in on his craft and expand his vision during this transformative period.

The concept of a Saturn return has also been a popular theme in music, with artists like SZA, Kacey Musgraves, and Ariana Grande referencing it in their songs. Astrologer Claire Comstock-Gay, who experienced her own Saturn return in 2014, believes that channeling the sense of loss and growth that comes with this astrological event into art can be a powerful way to document and reflect on the experience.

As Ms. Herrera and others prepare to enter their 30s and navigate their Saturn return, they are embracing the opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and creative expression. The celestial phenomenon may be dreaded by some, but for these individuals, it represents a chance for a new beginning and a deeper understanding of themselves.

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