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We are not to blame for people’s suffering

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Hackers responsible for a major cyber-attack on London hospitals have claimed they are “sorry” for the harm caused but are not taking responsibility. The ransomware gang, known as Qilin, spoke to the BBC on an encrypted chat service, justifying the attack as a form of political protest against the UK government’s actions in an undisclosed war.

Despite their claims, experts are skeptical of the hackers’ motives, with one expert stating that cyber-criminals like this gang routinely lie. The attack has led to over 1,000 operations and appointments being postponed, with a critical incident declared at the affected hospitals.

The hackers, believed to be based in Russia, refused to disclose their location or political allegiance for security reasons. This is the first time the group has claimed a political motive for their hacks, which have targeted various organizations since 2022.

The NHS trusts affected by the attack have had to reschedule surgeries and appointments, divert organs for transplant, and suspend certain medical tests. The hackers have demanded a ransom fee in Bitcoin to return systems to normal, threatening to release stolen data if their demands are not met.

Despite the disruption and harm caused by the attack, the hackers have shown no remorse and have refused to answer further questions from the BBC. The situation remains ongoing as authorities work to recover the affected IT systems and investigate the cyber-attack.

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