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UN stands by Gaza war casualty count despite Israeli criticism

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The United Nations has come under fire for its handling of data regarding the death toll in Gaza, with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz calling for the resignation of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

The controversy began when the UN released a report that significantly reduced the number of registered deaths of women and children in Gaza. This change was attributed to a switch in sourcing from the Gaza Ministry of Health to the Hamas-run health ministry.

Mr. Katz accused the UN of relying on “fake data from a terrorist organization” and promoting “blood libels against Israel.” He called for Guterres to resign, labeling anyone who supports such actions as antisemitic and supportive of terrorism.

The conflict in Gaza began last October when Hamas launched attacks that resulted in the deaths of 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and the taking of 252 hostages. The situation remains complex and volatile, with aid delivery and data collection posing significant challenges in the midst of violence and insecurity.

The debate over the accuracy of data and the implications for international relations continues to unfold as the conflict in Gaza shows no signs of abating.

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