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UN Chief Warns of Impending Rise in Sea Levels

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The Pacific islands are facing a dire threat from rising sea levels, with the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warning of a worldwide catastrophe if big polluters do not take action to cut emissions.

Speaking at the Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting in Tonga, Mr. Guterres emphasized the vulnerability of the Pacific region, stating that while the small islands do not contribute significantly to climate change, they bear the brunt of its consequences. The World Meteorological Organization’s report highlighted the triple threat facing the region – accelerating sea level rise, warming oceans, and acidification due to increased carbon dioxide absorption.

Mr. Guterres stressed the urgent need for action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pointing out that the sea is literally “taking the heat.” The recent flooding and earthquake during the forum underscored the region’s vulnerability to climate-related disasters.

Despite the challenges, Pacific islanders are showing resilience and determination to fight against rising sea levels. The theme of transformative resilience was evident in a street parade featuring dancers from various Pacific cultures, with banners proclaiming “We are not drowning, we are fighting” and “Sea levels are rising – so are we.”

Mr. Guterres called on leaders, especially major emitters like Australia, to witness the impacts of climate change firsthand and take responsibility for their contributions to the crisis. He emphasized the need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius to prevent irreversible damage to ice sheets and catastrophic consequences.

The Secretary-General also highlighted the shortcomings of the international financial system in supporting vulnerable countries like those in the Pacific, urging greater solidarity and urgency in addressing the climate crisis. As the world grapples with the urgent need to reduce emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change, the Pacific islands serve as a stark reminder of the consequences of inaction.

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