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UN chief calls for banning fossil fuel advertising

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UN Secretary General António Guterres Calls for Global Ban on Fossil Fuel Advertising to Combat Climate Change

In a bold move to address the urgent threat of climate change, UN Secretary General António Guterres has called for a global ban on advertising by coal, oil, and gas producers. Guterres referred to these industries as the “godfathers of climate chaos” who have misled the public for decades.

Guterres compared the need for a ban on fossil fuel advertising to the previous bans on tobacco advertising due to health risks. He emphasized the urgent need for political action on climate change and a crackdown on the fossil fuel industry.

Recent studies have shown that global temperatures continue to rise at an alarming rate, with each of the past 12 months setting new temperature records. The impacts of climate change are already being felt, from deadly heatwaves in Asia to devastating floods in South America.

While Guterres’ call for a ban on fossil fuel advertising has no legal standing, it has been seen as a significant step in the fight against climate change. Campaigners have long fought against sponsorship and advertising from coal, oil, and gas companies, and Guterres’ support is expected to bolster their efforts.

The move towards a ban on fossil fuel advertising is part of a larger push for rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Despite some progress in renewable energy sources, emissions are still at record highs and urgent action is needed to meet global climate targets.

Guterres’ call for a ban on fossil fuel advertising is a stark reminder of the need for immediate and decisive action to combat climate change. As the world continues to warm at an unprecedented rate, the time to act is now.

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