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U.S. Debt Projected to Exceed $56 Trillion in Next Decade

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The United States is facing a looming financial crisis as the national debt is projected to skyrocket to over $56 trillion by 2034, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The country is on track to add trillions of dollars to its debt over the next decade, with rising spending and interest expenses outpacing tax revenues.

The mounting costs of Social Security and Medicare, along with rising interest rates, have made it more costly for the federal government to borrow money. As a result, the U.S. is expected to continue running large budget deficits, with the annual deficit projected to reach $2.9 trillion by 2034.

Lawmakers are gearing up for a major tax and spending battle, as most of the 2017 Trump tax cuts are set to expire in 2025. President Biden has expressed his intention to extend some of the tax cuts, while former President Donald J. Trump has vowed to extend all of them if he wins in November. Fully extending the tax cuts could cost around $5 trillion over 10 years.

The Biden administration’s decision to cancel over $100 billion in student loan debt, as well as new aid packages for Ukraine and Israel, have contributed to the larger projected deficits. Additionally, higher than expected outlays for Medicaid have added to the growing debt burden.

High interest rates are also making it harder for the U.S. to manage its debt, with annual interest costs projected to rise to $1.7 trillion in 2034. This could lead to the U.S. spending as much on interest payments as it does on Medicare.

Despite the grim fiscal outlook, one positive development highlighted by the C.B.O. is the surge in immigration, which is expected to reduce deficits and debt over time. New immigrant workers are projected to pay nearly $1 trillion more in taxes than they will consume in government benefits, helping to alleviate some of the financial strain.

However, the overall picture remains concerning, with both Democrats and Republicans expressing worry about the national debt. The C.B.O. report underscores the urgent need for lawmakers to address the growing debt crisis and find sustainable solutions to ensure the country’s financial stability in the years to come.

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