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Trump Turns to Big Donors to Close Fundraising Gap with Biden

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Former President Donald J. Trump is ramping up his fundraising efforts as he seeks to close the financial gap between himself and President Biden, according to new federal filings. In March, Trump leaned heavily on major Republican donors, a departure from his reliance on small online donors earlier in the race.

In the last two weeks of March alone, one committee backing Trump raised nearly $18 million, mostly from six-figure contributions. Overall, Trump and the Republican Party finished the month with $93 million on hand, having raised more than $65 million in March. However, they still lag behind Biden and the Democrats, who raised more than $187 million in the first three months of the year.

The filings also revealed some of the top donors to Trump’s campaign, including billionaire entrepreneur Reid Hoffman, creator of “Family Guy” Seth MacFarlane, and vocal Trump critic George Conway. Trump’s joint fundraising committee with the Republican National Committee raised $23.6 million in the quarter, with significant contributions from donors like hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer.

Trump’s fundraising efforts are crucial as he gears up for the 2024 election. His Save America joint fundraising committee raised $65.8 million in the first quarter of 2024, ending March with $13.7 million on hand. With the support of major donors like Roger William Norman and Linda McMahon, Trump is working to bolster his campaign war chest and compete with the well-funded Democratic Party.

As the race heats up, both Trump and Biden are mobilizing their fundraising efforts to secure the resources needed for a competitive campaign. With the support of major donors and grassroots supporters, the 2024 election is shaping up to be a high-stakes battle for the White House.

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