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Trump promises to be a strong supporter of gun owners after receiving NRA endorsement

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Former President Donald J. Trump rallied gun owners and businesses at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas on Saturday, accepting their endorsement and vowing to protect Second Amendment rights from what he called attacks by the Biden administration.

Speaking to a crowd of supporters, Mr. Trump warned that if President Biden were to win a second term, gun owners could expect their rights to be further restricted. He promised to roll back any measures taken by the current administration that he deemed as infringing on the right to bear arms.

The event, which was attended by a more subdued crowd compared to previous years, saw speakers pushing back against claims of the N.R.A.’s decline. Despite recent setbacks and legal troubles, the organization’s interim chief executive, Andrew Arulanandam, assured members that they remained strong.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who recently sparked controversy by pardoning a man convicted of shooting a protester, received a standing ovation when he took the stage. He criticized President Biden’s policies and urged N.R.A. members to support Mr. Trump’s reelection efforts, calling him the “antidote” to the current administration.

Outside the event, gun safety advocates gathered to call for stricter gun laws, highlighting the impact of gun violence on communities. They emphasized the need for enhanced background checks and other safety measures to prevent further tragedies.

Mr. Trump, who has positioned himself as a staunch supporter of gun rights, urged attendees to support his campaign and warned against wasting votes on other candidates. He pledged to reverse Biden administration policies on firearms and promised to be a strong advocate for gun owners if reelected.

Vice President Kamala Harris, leading the federal office on gun violence prevention, responded to Mr. Trump’s remarks by touting the Biden administration’s achievements in gun safety legislation. She criticized the former president for his stance on gun control and accused him of catering to the gun lobby.

As the debate over gun rights continues to be a contentious issue in American politics, Mr. Trump’s appearance at the N.R.A. meeting underscored the deep divide between those advocating for stricter gun laws and those fighting to protect Second Amendment rights.

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