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Trump compares migrants to Hannibal Lecter, infamous movie cannibal, in scathing remarks

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Former President Donald J. Trump made headlines once again with his controversial remarks at a rally in New Jersey over the weekend. In an extended riff, Trump compared migrants to the fictional serial killer and cannibal, Hannibal Lecter, from the movie “The Silence of the Lambs.”

During his speech in Wildwood, N.J., Trump referenced Hannibal Lecter, saying, “Has anyone ever seen ‘The Silence of the Lambs’? The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man.” He went on to describe a scene from the movie where Lecter famously says, “I’m about to have a friend for dinner.”

Trump continued to stoke anger and fear over migration, claiming that migrants are coming into the country unchecked and unvetted, and are destroying the country. Despite border authorities stating that most migrants are vulnerable families fleeing poverty and violence, Trump has repeatedly made baseless claims that they are violent criminals or mentally ill individuals.

Throughout his campaign, Trump has frequently brought up Hannibal Lecter, even calling him “legendary” and a “nice fellow.” He has also compared himself to the gangster Al Capone, claiming he has been indicted more times than the notorious mobster.

It remains unclear what Trump meant by calling Hannibal Lecter “late, great,” as neither the character nor the actor who portrayed him, Anthony Hopkins, have passed away. However, Trump’s use of pop culture references like Hannibal Lecter and Al Capone has become a staple of his rallies.

As the election approaches, Trump’s divisive rhetoric on immigration and his inflammatory remarks continue to draw both support and criticism from the public.

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