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Trump appeals to Libertarians in effort to attract party activists from RFK Jr.: ‘Together, we are an unbeatable force’

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Former President Donald Trump made a surprising appearance at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night, aiming to win over activists who are skeptical of his GOP frontrunner status. The convention, held at the Washington Hilton hotel under the tagline “Become Ungovernable,” saw a rowdy crowd split between Trump supporters and Libertarian skeptics.

In his address, Trump tried to appeal to the Libertarians by emphasizing his newfound libertarian beliefs, stating, “In the last year, I’ve been indicted by the government on 91 different things. So if I wasn’t a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a Libertarian now.” He promised to release “limited government so that the people can have an unlimited future” and urged unity among supporters.

Mocking the Libertarians in the audience, Trump declared, “Only endorse me if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years.” He even pledged to include a Libertarian in his cabinet and promised to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbrict, the founder of the darknet marketplace Silk Road.

The convention, which also featured independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., saw tensions rise as Trump supporters clashed with Libertarian delegates. Despite the discord, Trump’s appearance marked a significant moment as it was the first time a Republican candidate had accepted an invitation to speak at the Libertarian National Convention.

Attendees at the convention expressed mixed feelings about Trump’s presence, with some welcoming the opportunity for dialogue and others viewing it as an intrusion on the party’s principles. As the Libertarian Party prepares to pick its White House nominee, the dynamic between Trump, Kennedy, and other candidates remains uncertain.

Overall, Trump’s appearance at the Libertarian National Convention highlighted the complex intersection of political ideologies and the ongoing quest for unity and support among diverse voter bases.

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