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Trump Appeals to Black Voters in Detroit by Portraying Biden as Anti-Black

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Former President Donald J. Trump made a bold move to court Black voters in Detroit over the weekend, delivering a speech at a church on the west side of the city. Despite his history of controversial statements and policies, Trump sought to position himself as the best president for Black Americans since Abraham Lincoln.

Speaking to a crowd of roughly 200 people, Trump focused on criticizing President Biden’s role in the 1994 crime bill, which many experts believe contributed to mass incarceration in Black communities. Trump accused Biden of coining the term “super predators” and urged the audience not to forget Biden’s role in passing the bill.

Trump’s visit to Detroit is part of a larger effort by his campaign to appeal to Black voters and chip away at the traditional support for Democrats in the community. Recent polls have shown a record level of support for Trump among Black voters, with 23 percent backing him in battleground states.

During his speech, Trump highlighted his record on criminal justice reform and economic policies, including funding for Black higher education institutions and the First Step Act of 2018. However, critics argue that Trump’s pro-police rhetoric often undermined his efforts on criminal justice reform.

The event in Detroit drew a more diverse crowd than typical Trump campaign events, with a larger share of Black attendees. One attendee, Angelo Brown, a Black independent voter, expressed openness to a candidate who could improve the economy and end the war in Ukraine.

Trump’s speech at the church focused on blaming Biden for inflation and high rents, as well as stoking resentment toward immigrants. He falsely claimed that all job growth under the Biden administration had gone to illegal immigrants, a statement that has been widely debunked.

Following the church event, Trump spoke at a convention hosted by Turning Point Action, where he repeated false claims about the 2020 election being stolen and attacked Biden’s cognitive abilities. Despite his efforts to appeal to Black voters, Trump’s past comments and policies continue to be a point of contention.

Jasmine Harris, Biden’s Black media director, criticized Trump for sanitizing his past comments and record on race, pointing to the increase in Black unemployment and uninsured rates during his presidency. Harris warned that Trump would continue to demonize Black communities if he were to win a second term.

Overall, Trump’s visit to Detroit reflects his campaign’s strategy to expand his coalition beyond his conservative base and win back battleground states like Michigan. Despite his efforts to appeal to Black voters, Trump’s controversial history and policies continue to be a point of contention in the community.

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