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TikTok Enlists Creators to Combat Potential Ban

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TikTok Creators Rally in Washington to Fight Possible Ban

As the threat of a ban looms over TikTok in the United States, the popular video service has mobilized its creators to take a stand. Dozens of TikTok influencers were recruited to travel to Washington to fight against a bill in Congress that could force the app’s Chinese owner, ByteDance, to sell the platform or face being blocked in the country.

These creators, known for their humorous and engaging content on the app, have met with lawmakers and posted videos using the hashtag #KeepTikTok to express their opposition to the bill. Despite their efforts, the House passed the bill with bipartisan support, but the battle now moves to the Senate where TikTok creators are focusing their attention.

Unlike traditional lobbyists, these creators were not paid to support TikTok, but the company covered their expenses for the trip, including transportation, lodging, and meals. The creators emphasized that they were speaking for themselves and shared personal stories about the impact TikTok has had on their lives.

President Biden and lawmakers have raised concerns about TikTok’s Chinese ownership and potential national security risks. The bill aims to force ByteDance to sell TikTok to non-Chinese owners within six months, with the possibility of a ban if national security concerns are not resolved.

TikTok has maintained that the Chinese government does not influence its operations and that user data is stored in the United States. The company expressed hope that the Senate would consider the facts and listen to the concerns of its 170 million U.S. users.

Creators have participated in television appearances, protests, and news conferences with lawmakers to advocate against the bill. They have urged their followers to take action, including calling their legislators to voice their support for TikTok.

While the House vote was disappointing for many creators, they remain optimistic about the bill’s chances in the Senate. The creators continue to engage with their followers and raise awareness about the potential ban, emphasizing the importance of their platform and the impact it has had on their lives.

As the fight to save TikTok continues, creators are determined to make their voices heard and ensure that their beloved app remains accessible to millions of users in the United States.

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