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Title: Justice Department’s Antitrust Division Takes Aim at Tech Giants Under New Leadership

Shortly after Jonathan Kanter took over the Justice Department’s antitrust division in November 2021, the agency secured an additional $50 million to investigate monopolies, bust criminal cartels, and block mergers. To celebrate this milestone, Mr. Kanter bought a prop of a giant check, placed it outside his office, and wrote on the check’s memo line: “Break ’Em Up.”

Mr. Kanter, 50, has been a vocal advocate for breaking up corporate monopolies and ensuring fair competition in the market. His latest move came on Thursday when the Justice Department filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple, alleging that the tech giant violated antitrust laws with practices aimed at keeping customers reliant on its products.

This lawsuit against Apple joins two other antitrust cases against Google, with Mr. Kanter’s team also challenging numerous corporate mergers to prevent further consolidation of power in the industry. Mr. Kanter emphasized the importance of protecting innovation and competition in the market, drawing parallels to past antitrust battles against companies like Standard Oil, AT&T, and Microsoft.

Under Mr. Kanter’s leadership, the Justice Department has taken action against four of the six biggest public tech companies, signaling a significant effort to rein in the power of the industry. However, with the upcoming November election potentially changing the political landscape, the future of these antitrust efforts remains uncertain.

Mr. Kanter’s background and upbringing in Queens, N.Y., have shaped his belief in the importance of antitrust enforcement to ensure equal opportunities for all in the economy. His proactive approach to challenging tech giants and advocating for fair competition has garnered support from those who see antitrust laws as essential for a more equitable economy.

While critics question the scope of Mr. Kanter’s antitrust efforts, he remains committed to adapting antitrust enforcement to the realities of today’s economy. With ongoing lawsuits against tech giants like Apple and Google, Mr. Kanter aims to enforce antitrust laws in a way that reflects the changing landscape of the digital age.

As the Justice Department continues its battle against corporate monopolies, Mr. Kanter’s leadership and vision for a more competitive market will be closely watched in the months ahead.

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