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The Reasons Behind Donald Trump’s Affection for Bitcoin

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President Donald Trump has made a strategic pivot to embrace Bitcoin and crypto in a bid to gain an advantage over incumbent Joe Biden in the 2024 election. With over 50 million Americans now owning Bitcoin and other digital assets, Trump sees an opportunity to appeal to this growing voter bloc and peel away supporters from Biden’s coalition.

In a notable shift, Trump has begun accepting Bitcoin donations, become the first-ever U.S. president to accept Bitcoin lightning payments, and promised pro-crypto policies if re-elected to the White House. On the other hand, Biden has projected hostility toward Bitcoin, vetoing a bill that would limit SEC oversight of cryptocurrencies and promoting a central bank digital currency over decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Trump has attacked Biden’s anti-crypto measures, accusing him of trying to “kill” the industry and halt American innovation in the space. He has positioned himself as positive and open-minded toward crypto, vowing to support the nation’s 50 million crypto holders and ensure the U.S. leads in adopting the technology.

With polls showing that a significant portion of voters consider candidates’ crypto policies, Trump’s embrace of Bitcoin is seen as a strategic move to tap into a large constituency that Biden has overlooked. By railing against central bank digital currencies and promising to pardon Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, Trump is appealing to libertarian-leaning voters who are wary of expanding government regulations.

The political calculus behind Trump’s embrace of Bitcoin illustrates the rising influence of the cryptocurrency in national elections. As Bitcoin’s popularity grows, politicians must either fully embrace it or risk alienating a significant voter base. Trump’s pivot to support Bitcoin highlights the potential impact of the cryptocurrency on close national elections and underscores the importance of addressing the issue in today’s political landscape.

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