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The New York Times Claims Conan O’Brien is Irrelevant

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Conan O’Brien, the beloved late-night talk show host, is known for his quick wit and comedic talents. But behind the laughter, O’Brien has a deep perspective on life and success that comes with age and experience.

At the age of 57, with parents in their 90s and a second child about to head off to college, O’Brien reflects on the fleeting nature of fame and success. He has seen peers chase after these things, only to be left feeling empty and unfulfilled.

Despite his years in the spotlight, O’Brien still grapples with self-doubt and anxiety. He recalls a time when he wrote a fan letter to author E.B. White, expressing his fears about pursuing a career in the arts. White’s response, encouraging O’Brien to not worry about criticism, still resonates with him today.

O’Brien’s brother once described him as someone who “can’t stop,” always pushing himself to do more and be better. Even now, O’Brien admits to staying up late worrying about the reception of his work, whether it be a travel show or a podcast.

But amidst the uncertainty, O’Brien finds solace in moments that remind him of his own insignificance. He cherishes experiences like the recent eclipse, which serve as a humbling reminder that he is just a small part of a much larger universe.

Looking ahead, O’Brien hopes to continue using his talents for as long as possible, while also jokingly expressing a desire to acquire a vast amount of real estate in Montana. His humor and humility shine through, showing that even in the face of uncertainty, O’Brien remains grounded and grateful for the opportunities he has had.

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