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The Movie Version of New York Fleet Week

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Fleet Week in New York City: Sailors in the Big Apple

Last weekend, Petty Officer Third Class Ayanna Crawford found herself in the midst of Times Square, feeling like she was in a movie. Alongside her fellow crew member, Airman Kobe Brents, and thousands of other sailors, Marines, and Coast Guard members, Petty Officer Crawford was part of the annual Fleet Week celebration in New York City.

Fleet Week, a tradition dating back to 1984, brings sailors from around the world to New York City for a week of festivities and appreciation for those who serve at sea. The event not only honors the military but also showcases the city as a unique and vibrant backdrop for real-life drama.

For Petty Officer Crawford, a first-time visitor to the city, the sights and sounds of New York were a stark contrast to her hometown of Norfolk, Virginia. She marveled at the diverse fashion choices of New Yorkers and the boldness of some who hardly wore anything at all on the streets.

As the sailors made their way from Times Square to iconic landmarks like the Empire State Building, the excitement was palpable. For many, like Corporal Kyle Stauch from Germany and Yuvraj Dhillon from an international frigate, the experience was like stepping into scenes from famous movies like “Spider-Man” and “Home Alone.”

While New York City has long been portrayed on the silver screen, it is now social media that shapes the image of the city for many. Sailors like Emerson Quiroz and Joshua Banez took to platforms like TikTok to capture their moments against the backdrop of the Brooklyn Bridge and the downtown skyline.

For naval officer Samantha Brantley, the opportunity to explore the city during Fleet Week was a welcome change from the confines of her submarine. She relished the chance to soak in the sights of Midtown Manhattan and even picked up souvenirs for her daughter.

As the sailors roamed the streets in their crisp dress whites, they brought a sense of respect and tradition to the city. For Ms. Brantley, it was a chance to showcase her Navy pride while also indulging in her love for fashion and beauty.

Fleet Week in New York City is not just a celebration of the military but also a reminder of the city’s enduring allure as a cinematic and cultural hub. As sailors from around the world converge on the Big Apple, they bring with them a sense of wonder and excitement that is truly unforgettable.

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