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The Harsh Reality of Israel’s Military Operation in Gaza

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Title: Israel’s Military Operations in Gaza Weaken Hamas but Fail to Achieve Primary Goals

Israel’s military operations in Gaza have significantly weakened Hamas, with most of its battalions degraded and scattered. Thousands of Hamas members have been killed, including a senior military leader. However, Israel has not achieved its primary goals of freeing hostages and fully destroying Hamas.

The war has come at a great cost, with vast numbers of Palestinian civilians killed, widespread hunger in Gaza, and condemnation over deaths around relief efforts. Despite the heavy losses suffered by Hamas, much of its top leadership remains in place, ensconced in underground tunnels and operations centers.

The conflict has entered a deadly pattern of skirmishes and airstrikes, with tensions between Israel and Iran escalating. The Israeli military continues to target Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters, with casualties mounting on both sides.

As the fighting continues, the question of when and how it will come to an end is creating global strains, with Israel losing support from even close allies. Talks to secure the release of hostages in exchange for a halt in fighting have hit a snag, with Hamas rebuffing proposals.

The focus now shifts to the southern city of Rafah, Hamas’s last stronghold that Israel has not invaded. Both sides are bracing for a larger operation in Rafah, with uncertainty about who will govern Gaza and provide security if the fighting ends.

Despite the significant damage inflicted on Hamas, experts caution that the group still has capability, resilience, and funding to survive and reconstitute. American intelligence agencies doubt Israel’s ability to truly destroy Hamas, predicting lingering armed resistance for years to come.

The war has devastated Gaza, with Palestinians facing a dire humanitarian crisis. Israeli officials believe grinding down Hamas may take years, while American officials urge Israel to declare victory and shift focus to preventing Hamas from resupplying and rebuilding.

The future of Gaza remains uncertain, with calls for a demilitarized Palestinian state and a plan for governance and security. As the conflict continues, the toll on civilians and the challenges of achieving lasting peace loom large.

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