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The Harris campaign’s battle for clear debate microphones

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The upcoming presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on 10 September is already sparking controversy over the use of microphones. Trump’s campaign is pushing for the microphones to be muted when it is the other person’s turn to speak, a rule originally requested by Joe Biden during the last debate.

Some analysts believe Trump’s eagerness for the muting rule may be due to the positive reception he received for his more reserved performance against Biden in June. However, the Harris campaign is now pushing to have both candidates’ microphones unmuted for the entire debate, believing it could show a more unfiltered and ill-tempered side of Trump.

Strategists suggest that Trump’s insults and interruptions may turn off crucial undecided voters, particularly in battleground states like Pennsylvania. The Harris campaign sees the potential benefit of having a more aggressive Trump who could potentially alienate swing voters.

While the Trump campaign is eager to focus on key issues like the economy, border security, and crime, the Harris campaign may be looking for viral moments to shift the debate away from the issues. The debate on 10 September is shaping up to be a major moment in the election, with both campaigns strategizing on how to best present their candidates to the American public.

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