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Survey finds that online news consumption surpasses TV viewing

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In a groundbreaking shift, online sources have surpassed television as the preferred platform for news consumption in the UK, according to a recent survey by Ofcom. The survey revealed that 71% of the population now turn to online services for news, compared to 70% who rely on TV news bulletins.

The rise of online news sources has been steady, with a 3% increase over the last year. Social media platforms have also seen a rise in usage for news, with 52% of the population now turning to platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram for their news fix. Among the younger demographic aged 16 to 24, a staggering 82% rely on social media for news.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, emerged as the second biggest news source in the survey, with 40% of respondents stating they use it for news. The BBC still holds the top spot as the biggest single news source, with 68% of people turning to it for news.

Traditional news providers, however, have seen a decline in usage, with newspapers and their websites dropping from 39% to 34%, and TV news falling from 75% to 70%. BBC News online also saw a decrease from 22% to 18%.

The survey also highlighted the significant increase in traffic to news websites, with the BBC and CNN leading the pack. YouTube saw the biggest increase in usage for news, with 19% of respondents stating they use it for news, compared to just 7% in 2023.

Despite the rise of online news sources, traditional newspapers have seen a decline in readership, particularly among the older demographic. Even those over 55 who read print newspapers dropped from 38% to 32% in just a year.

While TV news may be on the decline, BBC One remains the most mentioned single news source in the survey, with 43% of respondents turning to it for news. This puts BBC One ahead of its nearest rivals, ITV and Facebook, both at 30%.

Overall, the survey reflects a shifting landscape in news consumption habits, with online sources taking the lead over traditional platforms like television. As technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these trends shape the future of news delivery in the UK.

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