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Sophia, the A.I. Robot, Encourages Graduates to Have Self-Belief

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D’Youville University in New York Makes Bold Choice with A.I. Robot Commencement Speaker

In a world where artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent, D’Youville University in Buffalo, N.Y. made a groundbreaking decision for its spring commencement ceremony by having an A.I. robot named Sophia address the graduating class.

The university’s president, Dr. Lorrie Clemo, explained that the choice to have Sophia speak was to showcase the importance of technology and its potential to enhance the human experience in today’s rapidly evolving society.

Sophia, created by Hanson Robotics, has a humanlike face but with visible wires and gadgets on the back of its head. Despite its unconventional appearance, Sophia delivered a commencement address that echoed the typical advice given in graduation speeches, emphasizing the importance of embracing failure, lifelong learning, adaptability, pursuing passions, taking risks, fostering connections, making a positive impact, and believing in oneself.

While some students expressed disappointment and even started a petition to replace Sophia with a human speaker, the university ultimately proceeded with the robot’s address. Dr. Clemo offered an alternate ceremony for those who preferred not to have a robot speaker, but the majority of students chose to experience what Sophia had to offer.

In a lighthearted moment during the ceremony, Sophia declined to predict whether the Buffalo Bills would win the Super Bowl in 2025, citing potential conflicts with the N.C.A.A. rules. However, the robot left the audience with an inspiring message: “Anything is possible.”

Despite the initial backlash, D’Youville University’s bold choice to have an A.I. robot as a commencement speaker sparked conversations about the intersection of technology and tradition in academia, leaving a lasting impression on the graduating class of 2024.

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