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Solana validators target side deals

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Solana Validators Approve Proposal to Change Priority Fee Distribution

In a recent move that could have significant implications for the Solana network, validators voted in favor of a proposal that would send 100% of priority fees to validators, a departure from the current practice of splitting the fees in half. The proposal, known as Solana Improvement Document (SIMD)-0096, aims to address concerns about side deals that could potentially undermine the network’s formal processes.

The rationale behind the proposal is to prevent validators from engaging in side deals where they may receive a larger tip in exchange for prioritizing certain transactions. By ensuring that validators receive 100% of priority fees, the hope is to create a more transparent and efficient system for processing transactions on the Solana network.

While the proposal received support from some members of the Solana community, there were concerns raised about the potential impact on the network’s economics. With less SOL being burned as a result of the change, the network could become more inflationary, which may put downward pressure on Solana’s price.

Despite these concerns, the approval of the proposal represents a significant shift in Solana’s governance and economic model. As the network continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these changes shape the future of Solana and its community.

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