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Slovakian man charged in shooting was opposed to everything

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A 71-year-old former coal mine worker and self-published author in Slovakia has been charged with attempted premeditated murder after opening fire on Prime Minister Robert Fico. The man, identified as Juraj C. by the Slovakian news media, had a history of writing dark, erotic verse and poems featuring torture and pain, as well as expressing extreme views against the Roma population.

The shooting, which shocked Europe, was immediately attributed to Juraj C. by those who knew him well. Described as a lifelong malcontent with a history of erratic behavior, he had self-published a book in which he questioned why Slovakia had not produced a homegrown version of Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist.

Despite being described as a “lone wolf” by officials, Juraj C. had a history of shifting allegiances and expressing anger towards various groups. He had a particular animosity towards Slovakia’s minority Roma population, as evidenced by his racist writings and poems.

His erratic behavior extended to his political views as well, with Juraj C. supporting paramilitary groups and expressing anti-Russian sentiments at different points in time. His extreme views and negative poetry had alarmed members of the literary club he belonged to, with one member describing his work as “strange and negative.”

The shooter’s complex history and contradictory statements have provided ample material for politicians to spin his views in different ways. Despite claims linking him to various political groups, those who knew him best say he was simply against everything and harbored a deep sense of injustice.

In a brief biography submitted to a writers’ group, Juraj C. claimed to have been a rebel against state power during the Communist era, but his former colleagues dispute this, saying he was never truly accepted by activist groups due to his radical and unreliable nature.

As the investigation into the shooting continues, the people of Slovakia are left grappling with the actions of a man who, in his own words, had worn himself down to an unknown edge. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked anger and extremism.

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