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Securing Bitcoin: Strategies of the Wealthiest Holders

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The world of Bitcoin is shrouded in mystery, especially when it comes to the wealthiest holders of the cryptocurrency. These entities have the most to lose from a security breach, making their methods of securing their Bitcoin of utmost importance. While it may be challenging to definitively identify the wealthiest entities in terms of Bitcoin ownership, the blockchain provides valuable insights into the security measures employed by these holders.

By analyzing the transaction history and balances of Bitcoin addresses, researchers have been able to identify the top 81 addresses holding more than 10,000 Bitcoin each. These addresses collectively hold over 2.5 million Bitcoin, making them a significant force in the world of cryptocurrency.

The analysis revealed that the majority of these addresses are singlesig, meaning they are secured by a single private key. While singlesig addresses offer convenience in terms of spending and transaction fees, they are considered less secure compared to multisig addresses. Multisig addresses, which require multiple private keys to authorize transactions, provide a higher level of security against theft and loss.

Among the multisig addresses identified, a variety of quorum structures were observed, ranging from 2-of-2 to 4-of-9. Each quorum structure offers different levels of protection against single points of failure and loss, highlighting the importance of choosing the right security measures when dealing with large amounts of Bitcoin.

The analysis also uncovered that some of the Bitcoin held in these addresses is likely lost, dating back to the early days of Bitcoin when the cryptocurrency was not as widely valued. This serves as a reminder of the importance of proper security measures to prevent the loss of valuable assets.

Overall, the data paints a complex picture of how the wealthiest Bitcoin holders secure their assets. While some opt for multisig addresses with varying quorum structures, others rely on singlesig addresses that may or may not utilize advanced security measures like SSS or MPC. The analysis underscores the need for education and access to secure custody solutions, such as those offered by Unchained, to protect valuable Bitcoin holdings from potential threats.

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