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San Francisco Breaks Record with 2,000 Sea Lions

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Sea Lions Overrun San Francisco, Delighting Tourists and Locals Alike

San Francisco may be struggling to recover from the pandemic, but one group of visitors is thriving like never before. Sea lions have taken over the waters alongside Pier 39 on the city’s northern edge, with a record-breaking 2,000 of the whiskered creatures counted this week.

Sheila Chandor, the harbor master at Pier 39, has been amazed by the surge in sea lion numbers. “They’re not buying the doom loop,” she said with a laugh, referring to the theory that San Francisco is on the verge of ruin. “We have been truly overrun.”

Adam Ratner, a sea lion expert at the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, described the sight as “truly remarkable.” The surge of sea lions has attracted flocks of tourists and locals, who are greeted with the unforgettable sound of 2,000 heavyweights grunting, growling, and chanting “Arf, arf, arf!”

While the sea lions have become a popular attraction, their presence has also caused some challenges. The wooden floats installed at Pier 39 three decades ago to serve as a rest stop for sea lions are now overcrowded, with the marine mammals piling on top of each other and even damaging docks.

Despite the chaos, visitors like Julian De La Cruz and Erica Schmierer are thrilled to witness the sea lions in action. De La Cruz rode the ferry from Vallejo just to see the bountiful beasts, while Schmierer, a local from the Castro District, was surprised to discover the sea lions in her own backyard.

Researchers are studying the sea lion population off the coast of California, noting that while the current population is healthy overall, there have been concerns about premature births among sea lion pups. Climate change and rising ocean temperatures are believed to be contributing factors, affecting the availability of food for pregnant sea lions.

As the sea lions continue to draw crowds to Pier 39, Chandor hopes that the numbers will not increase further. “Everybody loves a feel-good animal story,” she said. “But it will literally go from sublime to ridiculous in a very short time.” Despite the challenges, the sea lions have brought a sense of joy and wonder to San Francisco, reminding residents and visitors alike of the beauty of nature in the midst of a challenging time.

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