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Samourai Wallet Founders Arrested Despite Compliance with Law

Samourai Wallet, a popular Bitcoin wallet known for its commitment to privacy and transparency, has recently faced legal troubles despite following the law to the letter. The founders of Samourai Wallet were indicted by the IRS-CI and FBI on charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering and operating an unlicensed money transmitting business.

Despite their transparent approach to their services and their commitment to user privacy, the founders of Samourai Wallet, known as Wallet Guy and TDevD, were arrested and their assets seized. This has led to the shutdown of several of their services, including Whirlpool, a tool that allowed users to enhance the privacy of their Bitcoin transactions.

The charges against Samourai Wallet founders are based on claims that they acted as a Money Service Business, which the founders dispute based on the 2019 FinCEN guidelines that exempt certain types of virtual currency services from being classified as money transmitters.

The case of Samourai Wallet is part of a larger trend of government crackdowns on privacy-focused Bitcoin services. Other cases, such as that of TornadoCash and Bitcoin Fog, have also seen developers facing legal challenges for providing privacy-enhancing tools.

The impact of these cases extends beyond the individuals involved, raising concerns about the future of privacy in the Bitcoin ecosystem. The outcome of the Samourai Wallet case could set a precedent for how other privacy-focused services are treated by regulators.

As the Bitcoin community rallies to support the founders of Samourai Wallet, the case serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle for privacy and freedom in the digital age.

For more information on how you can support Samourai Wallet and stay informed about the case, visit the Free Samourai website.

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