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Russian Disinformation Campaign Aims to Influence Summer Olympics in Paris

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Title: Russian Disinformation Campaign Targets Paris Olympics, Microsoft Report Reveals

In a bid to retaliate against being barred from competing in the Summer Olympics under their country’s flag, Russia has launched a disinformation campaign targeting the Games and this year’s host city, Paris.

According to a report released by Microsoft, Russian propagandists have created fake news reports, spoofed documentaries, and even mimicked French and American intelligence agencies to spread false warnings urging people to avoid the Olympics. The disinformation campaign, orchestrated by a group known as Storm-1679, has been flooding social media with videos raising alarms about possible terrorist attacks and stoking fears about safety.

While the primary target of the operation is the Olympics, the techniques used to spread disinformation could also be employed in European and U.S. elections, posing a threat to the security of the United States and its allies, as noted by American and French officials.

French authorities have been on high alert, anticipating potential cyberattacks similar to those that disrupted the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. The recent increase in security measures comes after an Islamic State attack in Moscow and threats against high-profile soccer matches in Paris.

Storm-1679, although aligned with Kremlin propaganda, appears to be a separate entity from other Russian disinformation efforts. The group produces fake videos in English and French, impersonating reputable news outlets like the BBC and Al Jazeera to spread fear and misinformation.

Despite efforts to bait fact-checkers into examining their claims, the group’s messages have not gained significant traction, even among those who typically consume Russian disinformation. Organizations like Bellingcat, which conduct open-source investigations, are monitoring the campaign closely but have not confirmed whether Storm-1679 is backed by the Russian government or operates independently.

As the disinformation campaign continues to unfold, French officials and Microsoft are working to counter the false narratives aimed at undermining the Olympics and spreading fear among the public. The battle against fake news and propaganda remains ongoing as the Games draw closer.

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