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Russia intensifies online propaganda campaign against Ukraine ahead of U.S. elections

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Russia Intensifies Online Efforts to Derail Military Funding for Ukraine, Experts Say

In a recent development, Russia has ramped up its online efforts to disrupt military funding for Ukraine in the United States and Europe, utilizing more sophisticated technologies to push for isolationist policies ahead of the U.S. elections. Disinformation experts and intelligence assessments have pointed to a surge in Russian influence operations aimed at undermining support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

Intelligence agencies have issued warnings about Russia’s improved ability to conceal its influence operations, with the Treasury Department imposing sanctions on two Russian companies allegedly backing the Kremlin’s campaign. The operations, orchestrated by aides to President Vladimir V. Putin and Russian military intelligence agencies, coincide with a crucial moment in the U.S. debate on aiding Ukraine in its war against Russia.

Russian operatives are reportedly laying the groundwork for a stronger push to back candidates opposing aid to Ukraine or advocating for the withdrawal of the United States from NATO and other alliances. These efforts involve the replication and distortion of legitimate news sites to undermine continued support for Ukraine, using techniques more subtle and skillful than those employed in the 2016 election interference.

The “Doppelgänger” network, along with Russian intelligence agencies, has been identified as creating fake versions of real news websites in various countries to promote anti-Ukraine narratives. The ultimate goal is to influence democracies to elect candidates who do not support providing aid to Ukraine, ultimately backing isolationist and protectionist policies.

According to experts, Russian President Putin has delegated a growing number of influence operations to a key lieutenant, Sergei Kiriyenko, with the Treasury Department recently imposing sanctions on individuals associated with Kiriyenko’s operations. The use of hard-to-detect techniques by groups affiliated with the G.R.U., Russia’s military intelligence agency, has been observed in spreading similar messages on social media.

The evolving Russian objectives in information operations have raised concerns among analysts, with the focus shifting towards influencing democracies to elect candidates unsupportive of aid to Ukraine. This strategic shift, if successful, could lead to reduced global support for Ukraine, experts warn.

Despite efforts to counter Russian influence operations, American officials acknowledge the challenges in identifying and exposing these tactics. The Kremlin’s more direct control over the latest influence efforts, as opposed to previous operations by entities like the Internet Research Agency, has raised concerns about potential interference in the upcoming U.S. elections.

As the U.S. prepares for the 2024 elections, intelligence agencies anticipate continued Russian efforts to sow discord and influence electoral outcomes in ways that align with Moscow’s interests. While Russia is expected to be the most active foreign power seeking to influence the presidential election, other countries like China and Iran have also intensified their meddling efforts.

The ongoing Russian activities, including influence operations and cyberattacks, underscore the complex and multifaceted nature of the threat posed by foreign adversaries. As the U.S. remains vigilant against these threats, the upcoming elections will be closely monitored for any signs of foreign interference.

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