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Russia Conducts Tactical Nuclear Drills as a Warning to Ukraine’s Allies

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Russia Sends Warning with Nuclear Exercises Near Ukraine

In a bold and provocative move, Russia released video footage on Tuesday showing its military forces beginning exercises to practice the use of battlefield nuclear weapons in Ukraine. This comes just two weeks after President Vladimir V. Putin ordered the drills, sending a pointed reminder of Russia’s capabilities.

The video released by the Russian Defense Ministry showcased a caravan of military vehicles moving through a wooded area, as well as mobile Iskander missile systems being positioned for launch, with their warheads blurred out. Additionally, the footage included a supersonic strategic bomber armed with missiles and an attack aircraft being prepared for takeoff.

The Russian Defense Ministry stated that the exercise, conducted near Ukraine, was aimed at preparing the force to use tactical nuclear weapons to ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Russia in response to threats from Western officials. This move was seen as a direct response to comments made by President Emmanuel Macron of France and David Cameron of Britain regarding potential military intervention in Ukraine.

Experts have noted that Russia’s use of tactical nuclear weapons in this conflict is a clear attempt at nuclear coercion. Unlike strategic nuclear weapons, which are designed for long-range destruction, tactical nuclear warheads are meant for battlefield use with limited targets and lower yields.

The drills have raised concerns about the possibility of nuclear escalation in the conflict, with Western nations debating whether to intervene more forcefully to support Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has called for NATO countries to become more directly involved in the war and for the ability to use American weapons against Russian forces on Russian territory.

As tensions continue to rise, the international community is closely watching the situation in Ukraine, with the fear of nuclear conflict looming large. The exercises serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of the ongoing conflict and the delicate balance of power in the region.

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