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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Collects Only $2.6 Million in Funds

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign is facing financial challenges as it raised just $2.6 million in May, the lowest amount so far in 2024. The campaign heavily relies on his running mate, Silicon Valley lawyer Nicole Shanahan, who has been a major financial contributor.

According to filings with the Federal Election Commission, Kennedy’s campaign raised significantly less in May compared to previous months. Shanahan, who has already poured millions into the campaign, did not contribute much additional funds in May. In fact, the total amount raised by Kennedy in May was almost the same as in April, with a large portion coming from Shanahan.

Despite ending May with $6.4 million on hand, Kennedy’s financial position is uncertain due to the possibility of Shanahan injecting more money into the campaign at any time. Campaign finance laws allow candidates to donate unlimited sums of their own money, and Shanahan, who reportedly has access to over $1 billion, has not indicated any limits on her contributions.

Kennedy’s campaign has unique costs, including expensive ballot-access work. In May, the campaign spent about $6.3 million, with a significant portion going through a limited liability company focused on ballot access. The exact nature of these expenditures is somewhat unclear, as they were labeled as “campaign consulting.”

As the campaign moves forward, the financial support from Shanahan will continue to play a crucial role in Kennedy’s bid for the presidency. The uncertainty surrounding her potential contributions adds a layer of complexity to the campaign’s financial strategy.

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