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Rob Schneider stands behind RFK Jr.: ‘Discussing important issues’

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Actor and comedian Rob Schneider recently made headlines by announcing his support for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Schneider appeared on “Fox & Friends First” to discuss why he believes Kennedy is the right choice for America.

Schneider emphasized the importance of healthcare as a key reason for his endorsement of Kennedy. He pointed out the alarming statistics of the American population’s health, with 60% of adults and 54% of children facing chronic illness. Schneider called for a focus on getting people healthy rather than getting involved in foreign conflicts.

In addition to healthcare, Schneider highlighted Kennedy’s stance on issues that truly matter to the American public. He criticized the current political landscape, stating that people are tired of the same options being presented to them. Schneider expressed his belief that the Democratic Party has strayed from its roots and is now more focused on perpetuating “forever wars” and censorship.

Kennedy’s recent announcement of his running mate, tech entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan, has caused a stir within the Democratic Party. Many see Kennedy as a threat to the re-election of President Biden and Vice President Harris, leading to internal “freak out” within the party.

Despite the backlash from the left, Kennedy remains determined to challenge the status quo and offer a different vision for the future of America. With support from figures like Rob Schneider, Kennedy’s campaign is gaining momentum and shaking up the political landscape.

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, all eyes will be on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his unconventional bid for the White House.

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