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Restaurant Defies Venezuela’s President by Selling Empanadas

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Title: Venezuelan Sisters Become Symbols of Defiance in Face of Government Crackdown

In a small town in Venezuela, two sisters, Corina and Elys Hernández, have found themselves at the center of a political storm after their restaurant was shut down by the government for serving breakfast to the country’s leading opposition figure, María Corina Machado.

The sisters, who run Pancho Grill in the state of Guárico, have become unlikely heroes in the fight against the authoritarian regime of President Nicolás Maduro. Their story has gained widespread attention on the internet, with supporters from around the world rallying behind them.

But the Hernández sisters are not the only ones facing government retaliation for supporting the opposition. Sound operators, truck drivers, and even boatmen have been targeted for helping Ms. Machado in her campaign.

Despite the challenges they have faced, the Hernández family has reopened their restaurant with the help of donations from supporters. And while they have paid a fine and are back in business, the experience has only strengthened their resolve to vote for the opposition in the upcoming election.

As Venezuela prepares for its most competitive election in years, the story of the Hernández sisters serves as a powerful reminder of the courage and resilience of those who dare to stand up against oppression. And for many Venezuelans, they are a symbol of hope in the face of adversity.

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