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Resistance Against the New Trump Administration Has Begun

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Title: Opponents of Trump Prepare for Potential Second Term with Litigation and State-Level Actions

As the 2024 election approaches, opponents of former President Donald J. Trump are not taking any chances. With fears of a potential second Trump presidency looming, a network of Democratic officials, progressive activists, watchdog groups, and ex-Republicans are gearing up for a fight to protect their agenda and American democracy.

The group is taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a possible return of Mr. Trump to power, including drafting potential lawsuits in case he carries out mass deportations as he has vowed. One organization, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), has hired a new auditor to ensure they can withstand any attempt by a second Trump administration to target them with the Internal Revenue Service.

Democratic-run state governments are also taking action, with some stockpiling abortion medication in case Mr. Trump rescinds federal approval or uses a 19th-century morality law to criminalize its distribution.

The level of planning and preparation underway is unprecedented, with leaders of the opposition coalition determined not to be caught off guard as they were after Mr. Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016. They are bracing for radical changes with authoritarian overtones, including mass deportations, building detention camps, and centralizing executive power.

While the Biden administration remains confident in their reelection prospects, opponents of Mr. Trump are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to resist his agenda. From litigation to state-level actions, they are preparing for a potential second Trump presidency with a sense of urgency and determination.

The stakes are high, and the opposition is ready to fight back against what they see as an existential threat to American democracy. With the 2024 election on the horizon, the battle lines are being drawn, and the stage is set for a showdown between those who support Mr. Trump and those who are determined to stop him at all costs.

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