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Reconsidering Marriage and Family Life: How Miranda July’s ‘All Fours’ is Inspiring Women to Rethink Their Relationships

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The latest novel by Miranda July, “All Fours,” has sparked a wave of conversations among women over 40, prompting discussions about desire, relationships, and self-discovery.

The book follows a 45-year-old woman who shakes up her routine life by checking into a motel, embarking on an affair with a younger married man, and exploring the idea of an open marriage. As she questions her own happiness and desires, she encourages other women to do the same, leading to a whisper network of discussions about hidden fantasies and frustrations.

Women like Caitlin Delohery and Rachel Yoder have found the book to be a catalyst for deep conversations with friends and writing groups. They are exploring the themes of midlife, relationships, and personal fulfillment, inspired by the protagonist’s journey in the novel.

Even younger women, like Dakota Bossard, have been moved by the book’s themes of agency and self-determination. Bossard shared the book with friends on a trip to Tulum, Mexico, leading to discussions about life choices and the pursuit of a fulfilling existence.

Miranda July herself engaged in similar conversations with women her age while writing the book, exploring ideas of aging, desire, and societal norms. The novel doesn’t prescribe a specific path forward but encourages readers to consider alternative ways of living and loving.

Overall, “All Fours” has sparked a sense of exploration and creativity among women of all ages, challenging them to think beyond traditional expectations and embrace the possibilities of the future. It’s a book that has not only captured the attention of readers but also inspired them to reflect on their own lives and relationships.

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