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Recap of EthCC and EthGlobal in Paris

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Last week was a busy and productive one for the team at Aragon, as they attended The DAOist, EthCC, and EthGlobal in Paris. The conferences provided valuable insights and discussions on the future of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and the Ethereum ecosystem. Here are some key takeaways from the team:

– The future of permission-management is cross-chain, as products launch their own app chains and Layer 2 solutions.
– Account abstraction is seen as the future, enabling a better user experience across the board.
– There is a general sense of optimism that important use cases in crypto are close to being solved.
– Sub-DAOs, granular permissions, and credentials are essential for scaling DAOs.
– Several players are working on carbon offset tokenization, with crypto potentially becoming a key channel for capital funneling.
– Major conferences like EthCC continue to shine even in a bear market.

At the events, Aragon hosted workshops and talks to share their expertise with the community. Developer Advocate Juliette Chevalier demonstrated how to build a custom DAO with a few lines of code using Aragon OSx, while lead developer Jordi Moraleda discussed how Aragon OSx follows the Unix philosophy of simplicity, modularity, and flexibility.

Head of Growth Anthony Leutenegger shared insights from Aragon’s DAO experiments, highlighting the importance of staying focused on on-chain governance and adapting to challenges.

The team at Aragon also expressed their gratitude to everyone who stopped by their booth to chat about DAOs. They encouraged attendees to launch their own DAOs using the Aragon App and dive into the developer documentation.

Overall, the week in Paris was filled with valuable discussions, learnings, and networking opportunities for the Aragon team and the broader crypto community. If you missed out on the events, be sure to check out the recordings of the workshops and talks to stay informed on the latest developments in the world of DAOs and Ethereum.

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