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Putin Makes Rare Cabinet Shake-up, Replacing Defense Minister

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President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia made a bold move on Sunday by replacing his minister of defense with an economist, signaling a shift in his national security team amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This change marks the first major shake-up since the invasion began, highlighting Putin’s determination to ensure Russia’s war effort is economically sustainable.

The outgoing minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, will now lead the country’s security council, maintaining close access to Putin but with limited direct authority. In his place, economist Andrei R. Belousov has been nominated to take over as defense chief. The Kremlin justified this decision by pointing to Russia’s growing defense budget and the need for a more innovative approach within the military.

This cabinet reshuffle is a rare move for Putin, known for his reluctance to make sudden changes. It comes at a crucial juncture in the conflict, with Russia facing criticism for its initial failures in the invasion of Ukraine. By appointing an economist to lead the defense ministry, Putin is acknowledging the importance of industrial strength in achieving military success.

The decision to replace Shoigu, a long-standing figure in Russian politics, has been met with surprise and speculation. His tenure as defense minister was marked by both military interventions and setbacks, leading to questions about his effectiveness in the role. The appointment of Belousov, who has a background in economic policy, suggests a new focus on modernizing the military and addressing corruption within the sector.

As Russia faces increasing pressure from Western sanctions and rising military expenditures, Putin’s choice to appoint an economist to oversee the defense ministry reflects a strategic shift in his approach to the conflict. The move is seen as a signal of the Kremlin’s commitment to ensuring the country’s economic stability while pursuing its military objectives.

Overall, this unexpected change in leadership within Russia’s national security team underscores the evolving nature of the conflict in Ukraine and Putin’s willingness to adapt to new challenges. The appointment of Belousov as defense chief sets the stage for a new chapter in Russia’s military strategy, with a focus on innovation and economic sustainability.

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