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Protesters against Israel establish camp outside Los Angeles City Hall

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The tension between Israel and Gaza has spilled over onto the streets of Los Angeles, as anti-Israel protesters set up camp in front of City Hall on Monday night. The demonstration, which was not approved by the city, saw more than a dozen tents lining up outside the building in downtown Los Angeles.

The protesters were demanding that the City Council call for Israel to withdraw from Gaza and for the city to disclose and divest any financial ties to Israel. The ongoing war in the Middle East between Hamas terrorists and Israeli forces has sparked protests across the U.S., including on college campuses.

The Los Angeles Police Department issued a tactical alert and took an all-hands-on-deck approach to prevent the encampment from growing. Officers were seen dismantling some tents and setting up a barricade in front of LAPD headquarters, located across the street from the protest.

The demonstration comes as similar protests continue in various cities, with anti-Israel agitators occupying the Israeli consulate in San Francisco before police intervention. The tension and conflict in the Middle East have sparked a wave of activism and protests across the country.

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