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Prosecutors Move to Prevent Trump from Criticizing F.B.I. Agents in Documents Case

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Federal prosecutors have taken a bold step in the case involving former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents by asking the judge to bar him from making statements that could endanger law enforcement agents. This request comes after Mr. Trump made what prosecutors called “grossly misleading” assertions about the F.B.I.’s search of his private club and residence, Mar-a-Lago, in Florida.

The prosecutors’ request was prompted by Mr. Trump’s recent social media post falsely claiming that President Biden had authorized the F.B.I. to use deadly force during the search of Mar-a-Lago in 2022. This post was in response to an unsealed F.B.I. operational plan that included a boilerplate reference to lethal force being authorized, which prosecutors say Mr. Trump distorted.

In their motion to Judge Aileen M. Cannon, prosecutors emphasized that the F.B.I. took great care to execute the search warrant without unnecessary confrontation, even scheduling it for a time when Mr. Trump and his family were away. They also planned to coordinate with Trump’s attorney, Secret Service agents, and Mar-a-Lago staff to ensure a smooth execution of the warrant.

This request marks the first time prosecutors have sought to restrict Mr. Trump’s public statements in the case. While they did not seek a gag order, they asked Judge Cannon to revise Mr. Trump’s conditions of release to prevent him from making any public comments that could endanger law enforcement agents involved in the investigation.

It remains to be seen how Judge Cannon will rule on this request, but it underscores the high stakes and tensions surrounding the legal proceedings involving Mr. Trump’s classified documents. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

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