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Potential Stock Market Growth: S&P 500 Predicted to Reach 15,000 by 2030

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Tom Lee, the cofounder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, has once again proven his forecasting prowess on Wall Street with his bold predictions for the stock market. Last year, while many were predicting a market slump and recession, Lee stood out with his call for a surge, which turned out to be the most accurate among forecasters surveyed by Bloomberg.

This year, Lee continues to impress with his predictions. In early June, he forecasted that the S&P 500 would hit 5,500 by the end of the month, and it nearly reached that mark, closing at 5,464.62. But Lee’s long-term forecast is even more eye-catching – he believes the S&P 500 could hit 15,000 by the end of the decade, representing a potential upside of over 170%.

Lee’s evidence-based approach to forecasting looks across history and assets, with a focus on themes that will drive growth, such as the impact of millennials, the global labor shortage boosting AI and tech stocks, and energy security and cybersecurity. By selecting the strongest stocks within these themes, Lee has consistently outperformed the market since 2019.

He also highlights the underestimation of new technologies by Wall Street, particularly AI, which he believes will play a crucial role in addressing the global labor shortage. Lee predicts that technology will represent 40%-50% of the global stock market weighting by the end of the decade.

Despite concerns of a potential bubble in the market due to the concentration on tech and AI stocks, Lee remains optimistic, pointing out key differences from previous bubbles like the dot-com boom. He notes the strong competitive advantage of companies like Nvidia and the lack of overly hyped IPOs as factors that differentiate the current market environment.

Lee is not alone in his bullish outlook, with other Wall Street bulls like Ed Yardeni also making bold predictions for the stock market’s future. Yardeni has forecasted a “Roaring 20s” super-cycle and believes the S&P 500 could reach 6,000 by next year and 8,000 by the end of the decade.

As Wall Street analysts scramble to keep up with the market’s rally, Lee’s confident and data-driven forecasts continue to capture attention and spark discussions about the future of the stock market.

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