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Photographer in Montana captures stunning images of rare white bison born at Yellowstone National Park

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Rare White Bison Calf Spotted at Yellowstone National Park Sparks Sacred Prophecy

A photographer visiting Yellowstone National Park was in for a once-in-a-lifetime surprise when she captured images of a rare white bison calf. Erin Braaten of Dancing Aspens Photography in Kalispell, Montana, shared the potentially sacred sighting with Fox News Digital.

Braaten and her family were exploring the Lamar Valley section of the park when they stumbled upon the unique creature. Initially mistaking it for a coyote, Braaten quickly realized it was a white bison calf, a sight that left her in awe.

The birth of this rare white bison holds significant meaning for the Lakota tribe, as it is believed to symbolize “better times” ahead. Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Oyate in South Dakota, compared the sighting to the second coming of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of the calf’s black eyes and hooves.

According to Lakota legend, the White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared centuries ago during a time of hardship, teaching the tribe how to pray and providing them with a sacred pipe. She prophesied that she would return as a white buffalo calf during difficult times, a belief that resonates with the recent sighting.

The rarity of white bison calves makes this sighting even more extraordinary, with no concrete data on how often they occur. Braaten’s quick thinking and photography skills allowed her to capture this momentous event, drawing attention from nature enthusiasts and photography lovers alike.

The birth of the white bison calf at Yellowstone National Park has sparked discussions about conservation efforts and the importance of preserving sacred symbols in nature. As the world marvels at this unique sighting, the message of hope and renewal carried by the rare calf continues to resonate with all who witness its beauty.

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